The F words.

In our local fellowship, we’re taking a deep dive into Galatians. Heading to chapters 3&4 tomorrow. So today, I decided do a bit of rereading, brushing up on its history, and, of course, meditating on some of the heavy points. Three things really jumped out:

1. Funny Peter 

2. Foolish Galatians 

3. Fruit of the Spirit

Funny Peter ๐Ÿ˜‚  

Haya sasa, let’s laugh kwanza! Peter has quite the track record when it comes to… well, dodging accountability. He must have a strong backbone, coz the way he keeps turning it! In Galatians 2, Paul catches him red-handed, acting like he’s more Jewish than Christlike. Imagine this—when his fellow Jewish believers were away in Jerusalem, Peter was there hanging out with the Gentiles, good vibes only. He was even eating with them which was quite a symbolic gesture among Jews. Then, when the Jews rolled in, suddenly he’s like “Gentiles who?” (Galatians 2:11-14). It’s the same Peter who promised he’d stick with Jesus no matter what—then denied him three times like he was at a court trial (Matthew 26:33-75). Even after that, God had to send him a vision (Acts 10) just to remind him, “Eh, Peter, I love EVERYONE, not just your crew.” Clearly, my guy got the memo but seems he didn’t have enough memory space to save it! So Paul went full on aibu mode and rebuked him publicly. Mind you, this is a leader aka apostle —struggles galore! 

Foolish Galatians ๐Ÿšฎ  

Paul, as always, does not mince words in Galatians 3:1: "You foolish Galatians!" It made me think of my friend Lyhna from college who loved quoting this line whenever someone did something silly or preached off the context—she’d even add a dramatic sigh! I remember three times she said this statement. So, while I was reading this, I suddenly missed her and found myself calling a mutual friend to reminisce. But back to Paul: he was saying, "Guys, how are you abandoning the freedom you found in grace? You’re going back to law like it's that fun!" We all slip into old habits, lakini hawa walikuwa too much. Keeping the law, 613 of them ni ngori! Mimi ata nimeshindwa na 10 commandments sasa +603 ndio nitatoboa? My solution is in the The Spirit.

Fruit of the Spirit ๐Ÿ‡  

Now for the big one: Galatians 5:22-23, where Paul says, “against such there is no law.” Translation: If you’ve got love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control going strong, the law is out of work. You’re living under the Spirit—God’s personal presence in you—making the fruit of the Spirit the ultimate proof of God’s work. It’s not about a list of rules, it’s about that freedom that keeps us thriving. This is where my hope anchors.

Tomorrow’s fellowship just got interesting—I’ve got some serious points to pull out!

What’s your fellowship up to?


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