Fruits that last... E

I am on a platform where we're sharing our stories of discipleship and I found them to be very encouraging. I have edited the stories to keep identities private but maintained the scope of the message. Here's story one, from a mother who's intentional on discipling her children...

My Discipleship Journey.

My discipleship journey began in my second year at university when I connected with believers from Trinity Fellowship, a ministry focused on discipleship. One of the members intentionally began meeting with me once a week, guiding me through what it means to follow Jesus. Alongside this, I attended sessions on Biblical and foundational truths, which deepened my understanding of faith.

For a long time, Jesus was my Savior but not my Lord. Discipleship taught me to walk step-by-step with Jesus as both. I ended up rededicating my life, letting go of certain habits and picking up others—one of which was giving generously. Before, I’d faithfully tithe and give a Sunday offering, but the Lordship of Jesus broadened my view of giving.

Since then, I’ve been committed to walking with others in discipleship, understanding how vital it is for a Christian’s growth. I know I still have room to grow, but I’m trusting God each day to make me fruitful.


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