The book of Mark

As we dive into the book of Mark, prepare yourself for serious ACTION! Mark was that guy who didn’t waste time with small talk. Forget the nativity scene; Mark’s thinking, "Baby Jesus? Nah, let’s get to his adulthood immediately!" His focus is purely on what Jesus did, and that’s why the book hits the ground running—straight to work!

Picture this: a young man in his thirties (about the age when Kenyans start thinking about buying land), quits his job, and boom—becomes a travelling preacher and healer. He was a crowd favorite, but you know how that goes—haters gonna hate. The religious big shots and the political powers couldn't stand him, and after just three years, they killed him. End of story? NOPE! Just the beginning. Three days after his burial, the grave was empty. Where is he? Guards don't know, but there's a girl nearby.

Mark’s Gospel is like a dramatic movie. It kicks off at the lowest point on Earth, literally—the River Jordan—and ends at some high point, Golgotha. Along the way, you’ll see Jesus flex His power over DARKNESS (chapters 1–3:12), tackle DISCOURAGEMENT (chapters 3:13–7:23), and shows his heart for DISCIPLESHIP (7:24–9:50). Then comes the grand finale—DEATH on the cross, where Jesus delivers the ultimate knockout punch to sin and evil.

Mark is 16 chapters of pure thrill, and we’re reading it in six days. We highly recommend a thought reading approach—

Chp 1:1 - 3:12; Darkness 

Chp 3:13 - 7:23; Discouragements

Chp 7:24 - 9:50; Discipleship 

Chp 10:1 - 16:20; Death.

Lights, camera, ACTION!


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