The book of Gals.

Alright, so we’re about to dive into what I lovingly call 'The Book of Gals.' No, it’s not just for the ladies; it’s actually Paul’s fiery letter to the Galatians, a church he’s trying to shake up a bit. And trust me, the emotional drama here is off the charts—wueh! This letter has everything: Paul is frustrated, Peter’s flip-flopping, Timothy’s caught in the crossfire, John Mark’s floating in the background somewhere, and everyone is trying to figure out what to make of Paul’s “foolish Galatians” comment. Drama, emotions, and—let’s just say—banter for the books!

Now, why are we leaving Acts 15 and jumping into Galatians? Here’s the background scoop:

From Acts 15 to Galatians, Here’s Why:

Picture this: In Acts 15, the Council of Jerusalem is having a serious debate. The big question? Do Gentiles (non-Jews) need to follow the Jewish laws to be fully saved? Paul’s letter to the Galatians jumps right into this debate. He’s beyond frustrated because the Galatian believers are getting pulled back into Jewish customs—circumcision and all—and acting like they need these old laws to be “real Christians.” Cue Paul, swooping in like “Absolutely not!” He’s like, “Guys, if righteousness came by keeping rules, Christ’s death would have been for nothing” (Galatians 2:21). Talk about a wake-up call.

Now, let’s take it one line further—this letter is like Paul shouting from the rooftops, “You’re free in Christ, not chained to the law!” He’s telling the Galatians (and us, if we’re listening): Faith alone is what saves you, not the old rulebook.

So What’s Paul’s Big Message?

Paul’s message is clear: if you’re in Christ, you’re part of the promise, not the past. He even brings up Abraham’s sons to paint the picture—one son was born into freedom by a promise, the other into slavery. His point? We’re children of the promise! Let the Spirit lead you, not checklists and endless rules. If we’re following Jesus, we’re free—let’s not pile on things He already fulfilled.

A beautiful reminder comes from Catherine Nyambura’s synopsis: “Galatians is a call for freedom from the law. Paul wants us to understand that the only thing that matters is being a new creation in Christ. Not following calendars and keeping some conditions. Faith alone.”

So, are you ready to read along? Galatians is Paul, passionate and unfiltered, reminding us what the gospel truly is. Start with Acts 15, then head right into the Book of Gals. I promise, it’ll be worth the read!

And that's Catherine for you. A Pastor, a wife, a chef, a friend and good vibes all the way.


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