Are you sure?

This intro is 🔥! It’s deep, relatable, and thought-provoking.

Galatians 1:1

“Paul, an apostle—sent not from men nor by a man, but by Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised him from the dead” (Galatians 1:1).

*Who? Paul.  

*Appointment? Apostle.  

*Authorization? Jesus Christ.  

*Any other? Not men, nor a man.

Now, let’s pause here. Can you feel the conviction in Paul’s words? He knows his call isn’t up for debate. His authority comes straight from Jesus—not from anyone's opinion, approval, or handshake. Paul’s message to the Galatians is tough love. He’s setting the record straight: I’m here to do God’s work, not win your approval.

This really hit me recently, especially as I was navigating a tough season in my ministry. Things were heavy, thick, and I started asking myself, *Is this still God’s assignment for me, or am I just doing my own thing here?*

I took that question straight to God in prayer, and while He’s never late, He doesn’t always rush. I had asked in February, and then in August—after months of waiting—I finally got a clear answer. He even gave me the date when this happened.

*Who? Mwongela Ndonye.  

*Appointment? Pastor, missionary. 

*Authorization? Jesus Christ.  

*Any other? God the father. Not men, nor a man.  

*Date? March 24, 2012.

It was like God handed me my identity and purpose all over again. And, like Paul, that kind of confirmation changes how you speak, how you stand, and even how you fight. Paul’s letter to the Galatians is bold because he’s secure in his calling. He knows who sent him, what he’s sent to do, and why it matters. He’s out here saying, I’m not here for your applause—I’m here for God’s assignment!

Imagine if every believer stood that firm in their calling and vocation. Think of the impact if we could each answer, with total conviction, questions like: Who are you? What’s your appointment? Who authorized you? Are you living in obedience to that calling? This kind of assurance echoes the challenge Peter gives: “Make your calling and election sure” (2 Peter 1:10).

So, let’s do a self-check:

*Who are you? __________________  

*What’s your appointment? __________________ , __________________  

*Who authorized it? __________________  

*Any other authority? __________________  

*When did this happen? __________________  

Are you living in obedience to His calling over your life? __________________  

If you’re not sure about any of these, it might be time to pray and make your calling and election sure.


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