Family on mission... S

I am on a platform where we're sharing our stories of discipleship and I found them to be very encouraging. I have edited the stories to keep identities private but maintained the scope of the message. Here's story one, from a mother who's intentional on discipling her children...

A year of Gospel Encounters

By God’s grace, this year has been unfolding remarkably well, and I’m choosing to bless the Lord in all circumstances. I’ve had the opportunity to share the gospel in various ways, which I’m grateful for:

1. My dad and some of his friends carry out high school ministry. On a few of those missions, I’ve accompanied them. Although I wasn’t the preacher on any of those occasions, I got the chance to share my testimony with different students.


2. At my workplace, through interactions with colleagues, I’ve found specific ones open to hearing about Christ’s love. This has been more of an ongoing engagement, with conversations arising naturally at different opportunities. I agree with one of our friends who mentioned how, especially in our workplaces, our witness often speaks volumes through observation.

3. In September, I took part in an evangelism activity, “Each One Reach One.” I’ll admit, it had been quite a while since I last did this. It was such a joy to approach people and simply share Christ’s love with the folks in the neighborhood.

What has the Lord been impressing upon my heart?

📌 The urgency of sharing the gospel with the lost, as Christ’s return draws nearer.  

📌 A reminder that my life ought to count for eternity. 


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