Praying for the physically ill.
Whenever we have a loved one not feeling well, admitted in hospital or maybe even in a critical condition according to the medics, prayer can become hard. We get to a point of prayer fatigue (I first heard that term from a friend called Sarah) and if things are not handled well, we may end up praying amiss as James describes it.
I have highlighted the WE sections to emphasize the value of prayer of unity. However, if you're praying while alone, you still are not alone. Believers pray in the company of other believers seen or unseen. That's why our Lord taught us to pray "our father" and not my father. We're never alone in the place of prayer.
May this guide help you pray for yourself, your loved one, friend or a friend to a friend.
Pray in the spirit and with understanding.
1. Praying for God's Will to Be Done
In Mark 1:40-42, a man with leprosy came to Jesus and said, "If you are willing, you can make me clean." Jesus responded, "I am willing." The man recognized Jesus' power but submitted to His will. This shows that healing comes according to God's will, not our demand.
- Prayer: "Lord, if it be Your will, bring healing and restoration to [name]. WE trust in Your perfect plan, and WE submit to Your will, knowing that You see what WE cannot."
2. Acknowledging Spiritual and Physical Healing
In Mark 2:5, when Jesus healed the paralyzed man, He first forgave his sins before healing his body. This demonstrates that Jesus cares about our spiritual condition just as much as our physical health.
- Prayer: "Father, as WE pray for physical healing, we also ask for spiritual healing. May You restore not only the body but also the heart and soul of [name], drawing them closer to You."
3. Interceding for Others
In Mark 2:1-12, the paralyzed man was brought to Jesus by his friends. Jesus healed him because of their faith, showing the power of interceding for others. We can pray on behalf of those who are too weak to seek God themselves.
- Prayer: "Father, WE come before You on behalf of [name]. Just as the friends brought the paralyzed man to You, we bring this person in faith. WE ask that You intervene and bring healing according to Your will."
4. Faith and Trust in God's Power
In Mark 5:34, when Jesus healed the woman with the issue of blood, He said, "Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering." Her faith played a significant role in her healing. Jesus encourages us to trust in God's power to heal.
- Prayer: "Lord, increase our faith. WE believe that You are the healer, and WE trust in Your power to restore health. Help US to place OUR faith in You, knowing that nothing is too hard for You."
5. Persistence in Prayer
In Mark 7:24-30, the Syrophoenician woman persistently asked Jesus to heal her daughter, despite initial rejection. Her persistence paid off, and her daughter was healed. This teaches us the value of persistent, fervent prayer.
- Prayer: "Lord, help us to persist in prayer, trusting that You hear US even when answers seem delayed. Teach US to continually seek Your will and not grow weary in OUR prayers."
6. Belief in God's Compassion
In Mark 6:34, Jesus had compassion on the crowd before He healed them. His healing power is rooted in His compassion for the suffering.
- Prayer: "Lord, WE thank You for Your compassion. WE know You care deeply for [name] and their suffering. Out of Your love and mercy, WE ask for healing, trusting that You see their pain and are moved by it."
7. Miracles Happen in God's Timing
In Mark 8:22-25, Jesus healed a blind man in stages, showing that sometimes healing is a process, not immediate. This reminds us to be patient and trust God's timing.
- Prayer: "Lord, WE trust in Your timing. Whether healing comes immediately or over time, WE rest in Your sovereignty. Help US to wait on You, knowing that Your timing is always perfect."
PS: This article and guide was written during a season when my Mum is undergoing treatment for her back(L4-L5 complications), a former schoolmate(Daystar) who was traveling for a conference, fell ill and is admitted in Seoul, South Korea, and a friends father who is undergoing treatment at Coptic hospital here in Kenya. We pray for them and others going through such seasons. In Jesus' name.
Sun and sickness defile our bodies and Jesus took all this upon Himself so that we can be set free. I believe God desires to use our bodies when they are strong and holy - and He is willing and wants to keep us for His glory.