The book of Actors?

The book of Acts is like the ultimate action-packed movie sequel to the Gospels. Picture this: Paul and the disciples continuing Jesus' mission, but now with more drama, explosions (okay, spiritual ones), and epic plot twists. In Swahili, it’s called Matendo ya Mitume—basically, "The Acts of the Sent Ones." And guess what? All believers are sent ones! Yes, that means YOU are part of the mission (Ephesians 4). Ready for action? Or are you just waiting for the popcorn? 🍿

This is the disciples’ action movie: people get thrown in jail, lives are changed, friends become frenemies, and yes—martyrs happen! This is not your regular Sunday school story. It’s gritty, real, and full of Holy Spirit power. You in?

In this write-up, you'll discover:

- What on earth (or heaven!) is God’s mission really about?

- What's your role as one of the disciples in it?

As we dive into this study, we've got THREE BIG HOPES (because we're optimistic like that):

1. That you'd catch the vision.

We’re praying you’ll see what God can do—through you, your church, and even your crazy neighbor! Whether it’s in your hometown or halfway across the globe, God has a mission and you’re invited. He’s ready to give you the boldness, power, and passion to make it happen.

2. That you'd step up and play your part.

Like the early Church, God’s mission needs you on board! Acts is full of regular folks like you and me doing extraordinary things by God's power. From Peter's rooftop vision to Paul’s prison break, God’s got a role for you—no auditions required.

3. That you'd experience the fullness of God.

The Father is still in the business of comforting and healing. Jesus is still saving, transforming, and flipping tables (figuratively, of course). And the Holy Spirit? He’s still filling people with power for mission. We're praying your theology turns into "The-Experience-Ology." Yep, we made that up, but you get it—more of God in your everyday!

So buckle up, sent ones. This isn’t just another Bible study—this is your call to ACTION! Let’s roll. 🎬💥


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