Discipling siblings... P

I am on a platform where we're sharing our stories of discipleship and I found them to be very encouraging. I have edited the stories to keep identities private but maintained the scope of the message. Here's story one, from a mother who's son is going beyond been discipled to discipling his brother too...

I wanted to share something that has really blessed my heart. My son started reading this year, and during our devotions this term, he has been reading a verse from the Bible each time. This has sparked a growing interest in him. On Tuesday night, he asked if we could read about the armor of God, which he had learned about from a video he watched. We read it together, but yesterday morning, he said he wanted to read it for himself. Today, he continued from where he left off. I thank God because he's learning to read the Word of God while also practicing his reading. It’s a win-win! 😁

It’s also so encouraging to see the love and desire for God and His Word grow each day in my children. My 3-year-old has started memorizing 1 Corinthians 13:4-13 with his older brother. This wasn’t planned, but as he listens to his brother practice, he’s picking it up too. In my mind, I thought he was too young, but it seems I was wrong. The Lord continues to surprise me!

Have a blessed day!


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