Discipleship delays... S

I am on a platform where we're sharing our stories of discipleship and I found them to be very encouraging. I have edited the stories to keep identities private but maintained the scope of the message. Here's story one, from a mother who's intentional on discipling her children...

The Journey of Discipling Young Men.

Working with young men who’ve just joined college or started their first job doesn’t exactly bring the instant gratification we secretly crave. Sometimes, you'll see that same young man you just had fellowship with posting a club scene on his status the next day! Feeding a homeless man or buying a snack for a child in need, on the other hand, brings immediate, tangible results that give a quick hit of satisfaction. These aren't bad, but if the only reason we serve is for the rush it gives us, we’re missing the point Jesus had in mind.

Discipleship isn’t about immediacy or even about how it makes us feel. It’s about following Jesus’ command to “Go and make disciples.” It’s easy to overcomplicate or overthink that command, especially since making disciples is, quite honestly, messy. Entering someone’s life can be time-consuming, emotionally draining, and at times, financially challenging. Add the self-doubt of wondering if I’m even a good disciple myself, and it’s tempting to sidestep discipleship altogether. But, I’ve discovered a simple way to share the good news: just share a meal together.

That’s exactly what I’ve been doing with young men from our program. We meet up at a restaurant, grab some food, and dive into conversations about life. Dating, marriage, fatherhood, meal etiquette—everything is on the table. The food’s great, the setting is a step up from what most of us are used to, but the real focus is on the questions, the answers, the nodding, the caring, and the sharing. It's just about being human together.

The long-term effects of these meet-ups? They’re unknown for now. But rest assured—the discipleship process is underway. For those committed to taking Jesus’ words seriously, the immediate benefit is the growing closeness with Him. And as for the long-term results? Those, I leave in the hands of Jesus.


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