Discipling Children.. TM

I am on a platform where we're sharing our stories of discipleship and I found them to be very encouraging. I have edited the stories to keep identities private but maintained the scope of the message. Here's story one, from a mother who's intentional on discipling her children...

"Let me share an experience from this past weekend. My family and I had been looking forward to participating in this month’s outreach, as we had missed previous opportunities due to other commitments. I had been preparing the children for evangelism in our local area by sharing stories of Jesus with them. So, when this chance came up, it was a groundbreaking moment for us. 

Although I couldn’t join them, my husband and the children went, and it was a "wow" moment for them! Apart from the exhaustion of walking in the hot sun๐Ÿ˜ณ (which taught us the importance of carrying snacks and water next time!๐Ÿ˜), they were amazed by the experience. At the end of one witnessing encounter, one of the boys—after watching his dad closely—boldly asked a question that had been on his mind, then even prayed for the person they were witnessing to. Our daughter chimed in afterward and said she doesn’t want to be left behind for any future evangelism.๐Ÿ™Œ

In my work with children's discipleship, I've become increasingly aware of how vital it is to nurture the ability to share the truth that brings joy to the heart๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿพ. I believe the reason we see so many nominal Christians is that they haven’t reached a point where they consistently share or grow in the Word. Sharing transforms you—you cannot remain the same after you’ve shared the gospel.

Through discipling children, the Lord has amazed me by awakening my understanding of the "soldier of Christ" within every born-again child. At their age, they are very much a part of the workforce in the vineyard. But they need discipleship, encounters, and experiences to grow in their faith. We don’t need to wait for a certain age for them to be involved (I have so much to say on this, but I’ll intentionally pause here).

Children are not just the church of tomorrow; they are the church of today. 

Matthew 19:14

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”


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