Dear Catholics
This morning, I tuned into a Catholic mass on the radio in Kamba. The songs truly moved me. They were rooted in scripture, simple, and effective in conveying the message without the distraction of instruments. For this, I commend our Catholic friends.
However, I had some concerns during the prayers, particularly the Litany of Loreto. In this prayer, Mary, the mother of Jesus, is given numerous titles and praises. While I understand the intent to honor her, I believe we crossed a line by offering excessive praise and unintentionally elevating a fellow human being to a status she was never meant to occupy.
Here are some of the titles given to Mary in this prayer:
1. Holy Mary
2. Holy Mother of God
3. Holy Virgin of virgins
4. Mother of Christ
5. Mother of the Church
6. Mother of Divine Grace
7. Mother Most Pure
8. Mother Most Chaste
9. Mother Inviolate
10. Mother Undefiled
11. Mother Most Amiable
12. Mother Most Admirable
13. Mother of Good Counsel
14. Mother of our Creator
15. Mother of our Savior
16. Virgin Most Prudent
17. Virgin Most Venerable
18. Virgin Most Renowned
19. Virgin Most Powerful
20. Virgin Most Merciful
21. Virgin Most Faithful
22. Mirror of Justice
23. Seat of Wisdom
24. Cause of Our Joy
25. Spiritual Vessel
26. Vessel of Honor
27. Singular Vessel of Devotion
28. Mystical Rose
29. Tower of David
30. Tower of Ivory
31. House of Gold
32. Ark of the Covenant
33. Gate of Heaven
34. Morning Star
35. Health of the Sick
36. Refuge of Sinners
37. Comforter of the Afflicted
38. Help of Christians
39. Queen of Angels
40. Queen of Patriarchs
41. Queen of Prophets
42. Queen of Apostles
43. Queen of Martyrs
44. Queen of Confessors
45. Queen of Virgins
46. Queen of All Saints
47. Queen Conceived without Original Sin
48. Queen Assumed into Heaven
49. Queen of the Most Holy Rosary
50. Queen of Families
51. Queen of Peace
I encourage you to join in the songs during Mass, but when it comes to prayer, remember to speak directly to your Heavenly Father, heart to heart. Let's honor Mary, but always keep our focus on God.
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