Why Malachi Matters.

Malachi could easily be called the final will and testament of God to the Jews, and perhaps to all of us. Think about it: after Malachi speaks, God goes silent for over 400 years! That begs the question—what on earth did God say before He chose to go quiet for that long? That’s exactly why we need to read Malachi today!

At just 55 verses, this book doesn’t demand much of your time—but what it delivers is powerful. Malachi, whose name fittingly means "messenger of God," captures the very heart of the Father. Picture this: the Jews have returned to Jerusalem after exile. The temple is rebuilt (thanks to Ezra), the walls are restored (shoutout to Nehemiah), and the people are back in their land. You’d think God would be happy, right? Everything looks good from the outside.

But… is God settled? Is He pleased with them?

Through Malachi, God pours out His heart, touching on four major themes, and He speaks with intensity:

1. Fatherhood – God reminds the people that He’s not just a distant figure; He’s their Father, deserving of honor and respect. (Malachi 1:6)

2. Family – God expresses His deep connection to His people, and His hatred of division—yes, even divorce, which symbolizes separation from His family. (Malachi 2:16)

3. Finances – Through the lens of tithing, God explains that how we handle our resources reflects our respect for Him. (Malachi 3:10)

4. The Future – And lastly, God points to the coming “Day of the Lord,” a day of reckoning and hope when He’ll gather His family once again. (Malachi 4:1-6)

God’s heart burns in these areas, and He wants His people to know it before He pauses His voice for four centuries.

What can we learn from this? That’s a question that takes time, reflection, and prayer—something between you and God. But one thing is for sure, reading Malachi in just one sitting will give you a clearer picture of how GOD WAS PREPARING HIS PEOPLE before the silence—and how that same message applies to us today.

This isn’t the end of the story—it’s God’s PROSE AND PAUSE before the ultimate PLAY in the New Testament. So, why not set aside some time today, and read Malachi? It’s a short but deeply meaningful journey, one that points straight to God’s heart for us.


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