In that day...

 I can’t help but be moved by Zechariah—a prophet who didn’t shy away from the pressing issues of his day, yet also dared to look far into the future. Zechariah was what we might call a good preacher. He not only confronted the present problems with ten vivid visions but also painted a powerful picture of what’s to come. His words resonate deeply, especially as he repeats the phrase, “IN THAT DAY,” twenty times throughout his writings. This isn’t just repetition; it’s a declaration of certainty, a bold affirmation of what’s to come.

We need to echo Zechariah’s message now more than ever: Jesus is coming back. Soon and very soon, the words we’ve prayed so often - “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done” (Matthew 6:10)—will take on a profound, new reality. Can you imagine? The King will return, His revolution will be realized, and His rule established.

But here’s the question that should stir your heart and make you pause: On that day, which side of the Kingdom will you be on?

This isn’t just a rhetorical question—it’s the most important decision of your life. Don’t let this moment pass by without considering it deeply. “In that day,” will you stand with the King, or will you be on the outside, looking in?

The time to choose is now.


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