Now go on and smile, you’ve got this!

What's Essential for Every Believer? Let Me Break It Down: Hold, Hear, and Heed!

What's This All About?

Let’s start with HOLDING—it’s all about your hands, folks. This is where the written Word of God comes into play. Don’t let that Bible slip out of your grip! Read it, re-read it, then study it like you’re prepping for the final exam of life. Or better yet, let’s put it in biblical terms: delight in it, meditate on it, day and night (Psalm 1:2). Remember Joshua? When God gave him the reins to lead Israel, He dropped this gem: “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” (Joshua 1:8). Wow, just wow. God knew the power of the written Word and made sure Joshua knew it too. And guess what? Joshua was MORE than successful!

Next up is HEARING—this one’s all about your heart. God is still speaking, people! The problem? We often have a hearing problem. Hahaha, just kidding! You CAN hear God. It might be a gentle heart impression, or, if you’re really blessed, an audible voice. Just ask Moses, Joshua, the prophets, the disciples...and hey, maybe even that believer sitting next to you in church. They’ve all heard God speak. Sometimes it was a rebuke, other times a redirection. And how could I forget Adam and Eve? Yikes, my bad. Now, don’t get me wrong, God doesn’t just want to chat about your problems. Some of you are like the prodigal son—only interested in what you can get from the King instead of getting the King Himself. Remember Abraham? God told him, “I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward,” (Genesis 15:1) but Abraham was like, “That’s nice, but can I get a son too?” That story cracks me up every time! But seriously, God wants to talk with you, so stop reading this and go have a chat with Him!

Finally, there’s HEEDING—the grand finale! This one’s about obedience. Don’t just hear God; listen closely, take note, and then...obey. Yes, please, be obedient. When God says, “March forward!” don’t just stand there, even if there’s a river in your way and no boat in sight. Just march and see what the Commander-in-Chief does next! “To obey is better than sacrifice” (1 Samuel 15:22)—and yes, I know, that’s a whole other sermon. But I digress!

So there you have it: Hold, Hear, and Heed.

Now go on and smile, you’ve got this!


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