Don't Walk Around Naked!

Yeah, you read that right! Paul in Ephesians 4 warns us not just to put off the old self, but also to put on the new self (Ephesians 4:22-24). Think about it—if you put off your old sinful nature and don’t replace it with godly actions, you're walking around spiritually naked. No one wants that!

Today, during our fellowship, this came up as we covered chapters 3 and 4 of Ephesians. We talked about how we’re one body, with one faith, one hope, one Father and Lord (Ephesians 4:4-6). We touched on the importance of equipping the saints for the work of ministry (Ephesians 4:11-12), and also dived into the adoption concerns among the Jews. 

But what really caught my attention was verses 20-32 in chapter 4. Paul gets into the real transformation that being born-again brings. And it’s not just about what sins you’ve put off, but also what actions you’ve put on. He uses the phrase "putting off" and "putting on." While putting off is good, putting on is even better! Don’t just put off your old ways and walk around spiritually naked—put something on!

Paul is very specific: 

- The one who used to steal should now GIVE (Ephesians 4:28).

- The one who used to insult should now speak KINDLY (Ephesians 4:29).

- The one who harbored hate should now LOVE others (Ephesians 4:32).

We were asked a tough question: "What did you replace your old life with?" This reminded me of Jesus’ words about evil spirits (Luke 11:24-26). If a spirit is cast out and finds the heart empty (no new life in Christ), it brings back seven other spirits, making things worse than before. In short, the former sinner becomes a SINNER PRO MAX. 😅

I’m really loving the fellowship and the sharpening that’s happening here. How’s your fellowship going?


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