I am an apostle if...

Breaking News: Did you know that if you’re a disciple who obeys Jesus’ commission to make more disciples, boom!—you automatically become an apostle!? Yep, you heard right. Obedience is key to apostleship.

The word "apostle" isn’t some fancy theological term reserved for a few it simply means “one who is sent” or “messenger.” Straight out of the Greek word apostolos, this term describes someone sent on a specific mission or to deliver a message. In scriptures, apostles were handpicked by Jesus to spread the gospel and establish the early church. Think of them as the A-team—the twelve apostles.

Later, when we come across verses like, "Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God" (Ephesians 1:1), you can also read it as, "Paul, the messenger sent by Jesus." It really drives home his statement in 1 Corinthians 15:9, "I am the least of the apostles." Why? Because a messenger doesn’t get red-carpet treatment—they’re lowly placed, just doing what they’re sent to do. Mtumishi/Mtume (send him) in all it's glory.

And here’s where it gets good—Matthew 28:18-20, also known as the Great Commission, is Jesus’ final mission briefing. You can’t become an apostle without first going through disciple boot camp. That’s why this whole disciple-making process is key to the apostleship journey.

By the way, Paul wasn’t sent everywhere; he had a specific mission—to the Gentiles (Galatians 2:7-8). So, discipleship isn’t a one-size-fits-all gig. God’s will is clear for each of us. Have you asked Him where and what He’s sending you to do?

For now, let's get back to our reading. This week, we're diving into Matthew 8-28—don’t miss out on the ACTION!


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