Distance vs Destination

Let’s be real—when it comes to evangelism, we sometimes feel the urge to hit unbelievers with the good old "hellfire and brimstone" sermon. 🔥 You know, the “TURN OR BURN!” approach. But, funny enough, as I flip through Matthew, I’m realizing that most of Jesus' fire-and-hell warnings weren’t even aimed at unbelievers. They were for the disciples! 🤔 Talk about a plot twist!

So, what does that mean for us as we share the gospel and disciple others? Well, maybe our focus shouldn’t be on the DESTINATION of fire, but rather on the DISTANCE from the Father.

Take the rich man and Lazarus for example (Luke 16:19-31). The rich guy wasn’t complaining about where he was—well, okay, maybe a little—but his main issue was the distance between him and where Lazarus was chilling. He wanted access to the goodness, but that gap was unbridgeable. The problem wasn’t just the fiery pit; it was how far he was from the Father’s presence. Observe closely and you'll see this theme popping up again and again in the parables.

So, what’s the real issue? Sin. If not handled, it doesn’t just send people to a bad destination—it pulls us farther away from God. That’s why when we talk to people, we shouldn’t just wave around the “fire” card. Instead, let’s focus on the Father’s love. Evangelism should be about showing people how much God wants to be close to them, not just how to avoid the flames.

As you continue reading through Matthew, let that sink in: it’s all about the love of the Father, bridging the gap, and staying close. Let’s talk more about how we can bring people closer to God, not just warn them about the fire! 😊 Keep reading, you won’t regret it!


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