Dear minister.

 Dear Pastors and Ministers,

The true marker of a successful ministry isn’t how many cars fill the church parking lot on a Sunday. It’s not the total amount of tithes and offerings collected, nor is it the financial, political, or corporate success of the congregation. The number of people seated in your cathedrals doesn’t define success either. While these things might matter to many, they don’t matter to the Lord of the church in the way we think.

The true measure lies in how many souls are being *transformed into disciples* . How many are truly living in obedience? How many are walking the narrow path that leads to life?

Are you advancing the cause of Christ by guiding your congregation to store up treasure in heaven rather than here on earth? Are you working to ensure that each soul entrusted to you is living in full obedience to Christ, or have you lost sight of your purpose?

When the lights of this life dim, and your congregants wake up in eternity, will they bless you for doing your job well? Or will they curse you because you helped them focus only on the temporary things of this world—things that led them to eternal separation from God?

By Gathage Karanja.


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