
You know the saying, 'When in Rome, do as the Romans do.' Well, Apostle Paul had never set foot in Rome, but that didn’t stop him from introducing himself ahead of time! He pens this epic letter, not only to make his grand introduction but also to give the Romans a taste of the message that’s been setting the world on fire—his message of the Gospel.

The church in Rome wasn’t planted by any of the Apostles. Instead, it sprouted from the seeds sown during Pentecost (Acts 2), when Jews who had experienced the power of the Holy Spirit returned to their homeland as believers. Despite this, no Apostle had ever visited to nurture or guide them. Cue Paul, who is brimming with excitement to finally meet these brothers and sisters in Christ. Though miles apart and culturally distinct, Paul feels an unshakable bond with the believers in Rome—a bond forged by their shared faith.

In this letter, Paul doesn’t just skim the surface. He lays out the Gospel with razor-sharp clarity, speaking to both Jewish and Gentile believers. It’s a theological masterpiece, a unifying call to faith, and a bridge-building manifesto for a diverse church. In this writings he clearly outlines that we're not saved but been saved. It's a process that begins at the new birth and winds up in His eternal presence serving as fellow heirs in the eternal kingdom of our Lord.

As you dive into Romans, take a moment to pause and reflect. Where do you stand in your commitment to Christ? And how strong are your ties to the body of believers? Let this letter challenge and inspire you to deepen both.

For further studies, feel free to follow this reading and expose on Romans...


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