Forgotten disciple...

 I doubt I’m the only one who struggles with this, but hey, I think I’ve stumbled on a solution that works—well, most of the time.🤔

You see, in this business of discipleship, it’s a bit like parenting: you always have your favorite child. 😂😂😂! You know it’s true. We don’t say it out loud, we don’t even show it (we hope), but deep down, we all know there’s that one child/disciple who just gets extra airtime in our hearts. ❤️

Now, here’s the problem. Your "favorite" status is like a VIP pass. You’re always checking in on them, finding out how they’re doing, sending them airtime or M-Pesa, and even praying for them with 🗣️gusto. Then, one random Thursday, it hits you: “Wait, I haven’t checked on… what’s-their-name again?” That disciple you forgot exists. The guilt starts gnawing at you, and instead of calling them immediately, you postpone🤦🏽‍♂. Days turn into weeks, weeks into months, and then one day, you discover—brace yourself—they’ve backslid. Like, kabisa kabisa.🥹

Heartbreaking, isn’t it? And so not Christlike. God doesn’t forget His sheep; He’s the Good Shepherd, and Paul even called on us to imitate Him(Ephesians 5). Yet here we are, sometimes more like the *Forgetful Shepherd* than anything else.  

So, what’s the solution? After learning the hard way (ahem), I’ve adopted some strategies to keep my discipleship game on point. Because, let’s face it, the sea of disciples will keep increasing. Just this week, two were added to my list—one yesterday, another today. I’m happy to report they’re still in the “neutral zone” and haven’t yet earned favorite status. But to avoid forgetting them (again), I’ve started relying on the one thing that rarely fails: *technology.* 

Here’s what I do:  

1. *Set reminders on my phone.* Twice a month, my calendar faithfully buzzes with messages like, “Call Alex NB” or “Pray for Alex NB.” Simple, right? It’s like having your own personal assistant who doesn’t get tired of nudging you.  

2. *Take notes.* If we talk on WhatsApp, the chat becomes my record. If it’s a phone call, I jot down key points and prayer concerns in a folder. This way, I can remember what we discussed and follow up meaningfully, not just with a generic “How are you doing?”  

Now, here’s the truth: we’ll always have that disciple who’s closer to our hearts than others. Even Jesus had “the disciple whom He loved” and a favorite family (Lazarus, Mary, and Martha). But when Jesus presented His report to the Father, He boldly declared that He hadn’t lost any of the disciples entrusted to Him—well, except Judas, but He explained.😇

So let’s strive to be like Jesus and avoid losing the disciples under our care. Because honestly, you don't anyone loosing their salvation on account of your forgetfulness. Let’s be diligent, intentional, and use whatever tools we can to shepherd everyone well.  

And remember: Judas sana sana aangaliwe. You never know.


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