Philipians 3:2

My cousin reached out this morning with this question from Phillipians...

"Watch out those who do evil things, those (dogs) those who insist on cutting the body. Elezea hii kidogo please?"


In Philippians 3:2, when Paul warns, "Watch out for those who do evil, those dogs, those mutilators of the flesh," he’s cautioning believers against false teachers who insist on circumcision (or "cutting the body") as a requirement for salvation. In Paul’s day, there were Jewish teachers who claimed that Gentiles needed to observe the law of Moses, including circumcision, to be true Christians. This teaching went directly against the gospel of grace. 

The term “dogs” is powerful here. While the Jews often referred to Gentiles as "dogs"—unclean and outside God’s covenant—Paul uses the term to describe false teachers among the Jews. These "dogs" are blind guides, focused more on their traditions and personal gain than on the truth of the gospel. Isaiah describes them similarly in Isaiah 56:10-11: “They are all mute dogs, they cannot bark; they lie around and dream...they are shepherds who lack understanding...they seek their own gain.” These false prophets don’t serve God’s interests but rather their own.

In our time, this warning is just as relevant. There are those who preach with motives centered on personal benefit—fame, money, or self-gratification. Paul describes such people in Philippians 3:18-19, saying, “Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and their glory is in their shame.” They focus only on earthly matters, leading believers to prioritize wealth, health, or self over Christ.

But as Paul reminds us in Philippians 3:20, “Our citizenship is in heaven.” Our conversations, our hopes, and our focus should be on Jesus, who is seated at the right hand of the Father. As believers, we’re called to be heavenly-minded, committed to fulfilling Jesus’ commission to “make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19-20). 

So, let's stay vigilant and cautious, keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus and leading others to do the same, with our hearts centered on His mission.

In picture: friends and fellow ministers in the body Christ. A worship leader and film expert, two wonderful moms and the ever smiling disciple maker.


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