
One of the beauties of reading the Bible chronologically is how it brings clarity and depth to the text. Context comes alive, and stories intertwine in ways that deepen our understanding of God's work.  

As we dive into the letter to the Ephesians, we first paused at Acts 19. Here, we encountered a baptized congregation—passionate and devout, yet missing something essential. They had experienced the baptism of John, a baptism of repentance, but not the baptism Jesus gives: the Holy Spirit.  

This isn't just an Ephesian problem. It mirrors the reality of many believers today. We settle for the water and miss the fire. We stop at what John wrought, forgetting what Jesus brought. We end up following the instructions of the man-of-God while neglecting the fullness of God’s invitation.

The result? We master relationships with people but neglect intimacy with God. Our salvation becomes external—worked out, but not worked in. We serve tirelessly but lack the Spirit’s empowerment for true ministry. Both water and Spirit are necessary; it’s not a choice between the two but an embrace of both.  

As we turn to the book of Ephesians, let these questions guide your heart:  

- Have I truly received the baptism Jesus offers?  

- Am I walking in the fullness of the Holy Spirit?  

- Is my faith marked by intimacy with God, or am I merely going through the motions?  

This letter is a call to live in the abundance of God’s Spirit, to grow in unity, love, and power. This is why a key word in this book is "In Christ". Read Ephesians not as a spectator but as someone seeking transformation. Let the Lord’s Word refine you. Let it confront and comfort you.  

Don’t just read; press in. Allow the Spirit to reveal what is missing and lead you into His fullness.

Further breakdown of Ephesians: https://mapstage.blogspot.com/2024/11/spiritual-vs-material-blessings.html


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