
Showing posts from September, 2024

Concluding Matthew

 Here are some lessons and prayer points based on the 5 teachings in Matthew: The Mission of the Believer (Matthew 9-10) Lessons : - Jesus equips and sends His disciples with authority to heal and proclaim the gospel, showing us that we are also called and empowered to reach others. - We should expect resistance, as Jesus warned the disciples about rejection, but He also promises His presence. - The mission is urgent and important; Jesus reminds us that the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few (9:37-38). Prayer Points : - Pray for boldness: "Lord, give me the courage to step out in faith, share the gospel, and trust in Your power as I do so." - Pray for opportunities: "Father, open doors for me to share Your love with those who need it, and help me be sensitive to the needs of others." - Pray for workers in the harvest: "Lord, send more workers into the harvest and use me to disciple and encourage others in their faith journey." The Growth of the K...

Ephesians 5&6...

I am a happy lad! In our fellowship today, we wrapped up our reading of Ephesians with a dive into chapters 5 and 6. Now, if I were to summarize these two chapters numerically, I'd go with 3-3-7. Sounds like a secret code, right? Maybe for a mission impossible! First off, we get hit with an impossibility—"Imitate God" right on the onset of chapter 5. What?! Seriously? You want me, a mere mortal with evil tendencies and weakness that could rival a mosquito, to imitate God? I'd rather you ask me to mimic my fellow brethren! But no, Paul, in all his wisdom, insists we put on our God-imitating capes. At first, it feels like trying to climb Mt. Kenya in crocs, but hang on! As you read on, he gives us the “how-to” guide. Here comes the 3-3-7 breakdown! First, we’ve got 3 things that will be as common in a believer’s life once they start trying to imitate God: love, light, and wisdom (Ephesians 5:2-21). Then, onto the second 3—three areas of life that get a divine makeover w...

Pray through Daniel

 Five lessons and prayer points from the book of Daniel. 1. Faithfulness to God in a Hostile Environment    - Lesson; The Hebrew boys remained faithful to God despite being in a foreign land with different values and gods. They did not compromise their beliefs, even when pressured by Babylonian authority (Daniel 1:8).    - Prayer Point: Pray for the courage to remain faithful to God in environments that oppose His values.     - Prayer: "Lord, give me the boldness and strength to stand for You, no matter the pressures or temptations I face in this world. Help me remain faithful like Daniel and his friends." 2. The Power of Prayer and Seeking God's Wisdom    - Lesson: When faced with King Nebuchadnezzar's impossible demand to interpret a dream, Daniel and his friends sought God in prayer (Daniel 2:17-18). God granted them the wisdom they needed.    - Prayer Point: Pray for wisdom and discernment in difficult situations, knowing t...

Distance vs Destination

Let’s be real—when it comes to evangelism, we sometimes feel the urge to hit unbelievers with the good old "hellfire and brimstone" sermon. 🔥 You know, the “TURN OR BURN!” approach. But, funny enough, as I flip through Matthew, I’m realizing that most of Jesus' fire-and-hell warnings weren’t even aimed at unbelievers. They were for the disciples! 🤔 Talk about a plot twist! So, what does that mean for us as we share the gospel and disciple others? Well, maybe our focus shouldn’t be on the DESTINATION of fire, but rather on the DISTANCE from the Father. Take the rich man and Lazarus for example (Luke 16:19-31). The rich guy wasn’t complaining about where he was—well, okay, maybe a little—but his main issue was the distance between him and where Lazarus was chilling. He wanted access to the goodness, but that gap was unbridgeable. The problem wasn’t just the fiery pit; it was how far he was from the Father’s presence. Observe closely and you'll see this theme popping u...

Something solid.

Always carry your Bible with you. It’s something I often remind my buddies about because having a physical Bible at your side is essential in the walk of faith. Yes, we live in a digital world where Bible apps are just a tap away, and that’s a blessing for sure! Personally, I have one version on my phone, five on my laptop, a Kamba physical Bible, a Swahili New Testament physical Bible, a study Bible, and my main NKJV Bible that never leaves my side. If you ever catch me on the road, that Bible is always nearby. Why's that? I've come to realize that the more I turn those pages, the more connected I feel to the text. There’s something about flipping through those physical pages that gives the Word a tangible weight. It’s not just about reading the Bible anymore; it becomes an experience. The highlights, underlined verses, and scribbled notes start to tell a deeper story—not just the Bible’s story but my personal journey with God. Sure, digital Bibles are super convenient, but th...

The chaos of repentance.

One of the biggest challenges we face when it comes to repentance is that 'turning from' part. It's not just a simple pivot—it often feels like trying to turn a huge trailer around in the middle of a busy highway. There’s chaos everywhere: the noise, the confusion, the fear of messing up, and that overwhelming feeling of being out of place.  But that's okay. That's part of the journey. Turning to faith isn't easy, and the process of turning toward God—especially when there are personal desires and struggles pulling us in another direction—can feel chaotic and even impossible at times. The good news is, God understands the mess. He’s not looking for perfection right now—He’s just asking for your heart and your willingness to keep showing up, even when it feels like everything is pulling you away. He knows the struggle, and He’s ready to walk with you through it. So, brace yourself, but know you’re not bracing alone. This journey of faith is a journey of challengi...

I am an apostle if...

Breaking News : Did you know that if you’re a disciple who obeys Jesus’ commission to make more disciples, boom!—you automatically become an apostle!? Yep, you heard right. Obedience is key to apostleship. The word " apostle " isn’t some fancy theological term reserved for a few it simply means “one who is sent” or “messenger.” Straight out of the Greek word apostolos , this term describes someone sent on a specific mission or to deliver a message. In scriptures, apostles were handpicked by Jesus to spread the gospel and establish the early church. Think of them as the A-team—the twelve apostles. Later, when we come across verses like, "Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God" (Ephesians 1:1), you can also read it as, "Paul, the messenger sent by Jesus." It really drives home his statement in 1 Corinthians 15:9, "I am the least of the apostles." Why? Because a messenger doesn’t get red-carpet treatment—they’re lowly placed, just doing...

Don't Walk Around Naked!

Yeah, you read that right! Paul in Ephesians 4 warns us not just to put off the old self, but also to put on the new self (Ephesians 4:22-24). Think about it—if you put off your old sinful nature and don’t replace it with godly actions, you're walking around spiritually naked. No one wants that! Today, during our fellowship, this came up as we covered chapters 3 and 4 of Ephesians. We talked about how we’re one body, with one faith, one hope, one Father and Lord (Ephesians 4:4-6). We touched on the importance of equipping the saints for the work of ministry (Ephesians 4:11-12), and also dived into the adoption concerns among the Jews.  But what really caught my attention was verses 20-32 in chapter 4. Paul gets into the real transformation that being born-again brings. And it’s not just about what sins you’ve put off, but also what actions you’ve put on. He uses the phrase "putting off" and "putting on." While putting off is good, putting on is even better! Don’...

Ni save na fifty bob.

Saviour!? Really!! Let’s talk about the word Saviour. Over time, this word has taken on quite the transformation. These days, especially if you’ve grown up in a Christian environment, we often think of it in a spiritual sense—someone who saves us from sin, right? We don’t really picture a guy in battle armor, charging through enemy lines to rescue someone in distress. Nope. Speaking of save or saving, we sometimes also think along the lines of "save me a seat" or "save a number in your phone." And if you take the slang route in Kenya, "save" can even mean, "Nisave na fifty bob" (Help me out with fifty shillings). So, the word Saviour has a ton of meanings today. But to the Jews back in the day? Oh, it had a very different ring to it. For them, it was all about liberation. They wanted to be freed from the chokehold of oppressors. After centuries of rebellion against God and worshipping other gods, the Jews had a rough ride—captivity, destroyed hom...

Yup, That's me!😉

In Matthew 4, you'll start noticing the word "Gentiles" popping up, and it'll keep showing up throughout the New Testament. Even though we’ve seen it before in the Old Testament, it gets more emphasis here. So, it’s important to understand what "Gentiles" means. The word "Gentile" comes from the Latin word GENTILIS, which means "of a tribe or people." In the Bible, it refers to any group or nation that isn’t Jewish. Basically, if you weren’t part of Israel—the people God chose—you were called a Gentile. In the Old Testament, the Hebrew word for Gentile is GOYIM, which just means "nations." This word came about when Israel’s identity as God’s chosen people became more defined, especially after the covenant with Moses. It was a way of saying, "These are God’s people" (Israelites), and "those other nations" (Gentiles) followed their own gods. Fast forward to the New Testament, and the word "Gentile" ge...

Book of Matthew

Now we dive into the New Testament, roughly 400 to 450 years after the last words in Malachi. This gap, known as the Intertestamental period, was full of significant historical events—the rise and fall of empires like the Greeks and Romans, and the Maccabean revolt—which shaped the Jewish world into which Jesus was born. Scholars say Mark was written first (around 65-70 AD), followed by Matthew (70-85 AD), Luke (80-90 AD), and lastly John (90-100 AD). However, Matthew is placed first because it’s the most "Jewish" of the Gospels, acting as a bridge between the Old and New Testaments. You’ll often see the phrase: "that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by..."—a statement designed to help the Jews connect with the text. Matthew kicks things off with a powerful opener: "The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham." To any Jew, this statement is huge! It ties Jesus to prophecies they’re familiar with—that the Messiah w...

Why Malachi Matters.

Malachi could easily be called the final will and testament of God to the Jews, and perhaps to all of us. Think about it: after Malachi speaks, God goes silent for over 400 years! That begs the question—what on earth did God say before He chose to go quiet for that long? That’s exactly why we need to read Malachi today! At just 55 verses, this book doesn’t demand much of your time—but what it delivers is powerful. Malachi, whose name fittingly means "messenger of God," captures the very heart of the Father. Picture this: the Jews have returned to Jerusalem after exile. The temple is rebuilt (thanks to Ezra), the walls are restored (shoutout to Nehemiah), and the people are back in their land. You’d think God would be happy, right? Everything looks good from the outside. But… is God settled? Is He pleased with them? Through Malachi, God pours out His heart, touching on four major themes, and He speaks with intensity: 1. Fatherhood – God reminds the people that He’s not just a ...

Discipleship thoughts

One of the trickiest challenges we face in discipleship is resisting the urge to solve every problem a disciple brings to us. It’s a natural reflex, right? But sometimes, we unknowingly step over the line between DISCIPLESHIP AND MENTORSHIP. Now, mentorship is great—you get to give directions, instructions, and offer practical solutions. But discipleship? That’s a different ball game. Here, those solutions need to come from one place—straight from God Himself, through His Spirit. Here’s why: Let’s say one of your disciples confesses they’re struggling with smoking weed, battling with masturbation, or maybe getting intoxicated. Then comes the million-dollar question: "What must I do to be free of this?" Now, it’s so tempting to jump in with well-meaning advice like, “Find an AA group,” or “Get a prayer partner,” or even “Just cut off the things that lead you into temptation.” All good advice, I agree. But here’s the flip of it: you might be unknowingly steering them to put the...

Pulpit kwa street.

The public reading of scripture seems to have lost its place in many modern congregations. Sure, a few pastors and ministers still give it the attention it deserves, but not enough. We’ve become more interested in hearing the words of the messenger than the message of the text. It’s as though we’re more tuned in to Pauls' than Jesus. Now, don’t get me wrong—Paul's letters are solid, just as teachings from different ministers may be, and I’ll even quote Paul in this write-up, so don’t misquote me! But, Paul’s letters focus on church behavior—how we are to live with each other and with the unbelievers around us. That’s why he always hammers home faith, hope, and, of course, love. Meanwhile, the words of Jesus, and of God Himself, point us towards belief and eternal life— the ultimate good news. As much as we learn to live with each other, we need to learn moreso how to live with God. This realization hit me hard when I read Nehemiah 8:2-3: “On the first day of the seventh month, ...

Dear minister.

 Dear Pastors and Ministers, The true marker of a successful ministry isn’t how many cars fill the church parking lot on a Sunday. It’s not the total amount of tithes and offerings collected, nor is it the financial, political, or corporate success of the congregation. The number of people seated in your cathedrals doesn’t define success either. While these things might matter to many, they don’t matter to the Lord of the church in the way we think. The true measure lies in how many souls are being *transformed into disciples* . How many are truly living in obedience? How many are walking the narrow path that leads to life? Are you advancing the cause of Christ by guiding your congregation to store up treasure in heaven rather than here on earth? Are you working to ensure that each soul entrusted to you is living in full obedience to Christ, or have you lost sight of your purpose? When the lights of this life dim, and your congregants wake up in eternity, will they bless you for do...

Prayer is the work

Nehemiah was indeed a man of prayer, and his leadership is deeply intertwined with his reliance on God through prayer. Throughout the book of Nehemiah, he prays multiple times, demonstrating his dependence on God in various situations. 1. Nehemiah 1:4-11 – Nehemiah's prayer of confession and intercession after hearing about the state of Jerusalem’s walls. He prays for God’s favor before approaching King Artaxerxes. 2. Nehemiah 2:4 – A quick, silent prayer to God when the king asks Nehemiah what he wants. Nehemiah seeks divine help right before making his request to rebuild Jerusalem. 3. Nehemiah 4:4-5 – Nehemiah prays for protection when the enemies mock and oppose the rebuilding of the walls. He asks God to deal with his adversaries. 4. Nehemiah 4:9 – Nehemiah and the people pray for God's protection and set a guard day and night against their enemies. 5. Nehemiah 5:19 – Nehemiah prays for God to remember his efforts and integrity in dealing with the social injustices and the ...

Book of Nehemiah

 September 15-18th, Nehemiah. For the next four days, we're diving into the famous book of Nehemiah—the ultimate MEN-AT-WORK story in the Bible. If you’ve ever thought that building and construction was tough, just wait till you see how Nehemiah pulls it off! But first, let’s rewind a bit: this book follows right after Ezra, making it clear that God’s priority is to get His people spiritually ready before they start tackling life's physical challenges. Sound familiar? It’s a lot like living out Matthew 6:33—seek first the Kingdom of God, and then… deal with your walls! Now, fun fact: Ezra and Nehemiah were originally ONE BOOK in the Hebrew Bible, and together with Esther, they form the post-captivity historical books. These two guys are basically covering 110 years of Israel's history. Yep, they’ve got stories! Ezra—our resident priest, scribe, and all-around spiritual leader—was busy aligning hearts with God. Think of him as the guy who gets the spiritual Wi-Fi back online...

How to be offensive

 EPHESIANS 6:17 TAKE THE HELMET OF SALVATION AND THE SWORD OF THE SPIRIT, WHICH IS THE WORD OF GOD. Today, I had the privilege of attending a fellowship where the speaker shed light on this powerful text. He reminded us that the SWORD OF THE SPIRIT, WHICH IS THE WORD OF GOD, IS THE ONLY PIECE OF THE ARMOR OF GOD SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED FOR OFFENSE. IT’S NOT JUST FOR DEFENSE. Yet, sadly, many believers treat it casually, neglecting the deep study and meditation required to wield this sword effectively. The result? WE HAVE A GENERATION OF DEFENSIVE CHRISTIANS, COZY AND COMFORTABLE, ADDING LITTLE TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF GOD'S KINGDOM. We sit on the sidelines, avoiding confrontation, not posing any real threat to the kingdom of darkness. But let's be clear—NO KING EVER LEADS AN ARMY INTO BATTLE WITH THE INTENTION OF PLAYING DEFENSE ALONE. No soldier is called just to survive; they’re called to ADVANCE! WE MUST TAKE THE STUDY OF GOD’S WORD MORE SERIOUSLY. Without the offensive use of Sc...

September 14th CBR

September 14th, Ezra 7-10. Heavenly Father, We come before You, acknowledging that, like the people of Ezra's time, we often stray from Your commandments and fall short of the righteousness You desire. Yet, we see in Ezra's journey that You are a God of restoration, mercy, and grace. Lord, we pray for a RENEWAL OF OUR HEARTS and a desire to obey Your word in every aspect of our lives. Help us, as believers, to seek You with sincerity, to REPENT OF OUR SINS, and to turn away from anything that dishonors You. May we, like Ezra, have a passion for Your truth and the courage to confront the areas in our lives where we have compromised. Give us the BOLDNESS TO LIVE OUT OUR FAITH in a world that is increasingly turning away from You. Help us not to conform to the patterns of this world but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds, that we may be living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to You. Father, we ask for Your grace to guide us, Your wisdom to lead us, and Your Holy Spirit t...

Quail eggs served.

Today, as I was clearing some of the overgrown grass on the shamba, I stumbled upon a delightful surprise—three perfectly nestled quail eggs, hidden like little treasures. Now, for a moment, I considered leaving them there, but come on, who am I kidding? These were quail eggs! Not one to waste an opportunity, I quickly scooped them up, making a mental dash for the kitchen before anything could happen to them. Once in the house, I carefully cracked each egg into a cup, holding my breath as the thick, golden yolks spilled out. Fresh as can be. This was definitely going to be something special. The next step? I grabbed some plump, juicy tomatoes and a handful of spring onions. As I stood there chopping, I could almost hear the sizzle of the pan in my mind. The tomatoes were bright red and ripe, and the spring onions had that sharp, fresh bite that makes your mouth water even before you taste anything. I grabbed the frying pan, set it on the stove, and let it heat up while I whisked the eg...

Life with a hoe.

Let me tell you, working in a shamba is no joke. If you ever thought farming was a relaxing, zen-like hobby, think again! Especially when your shamba hasn’t seen a jembe in over 20 years. Clearing bushes, chopping weeds, and sweating it out in the scorching Murang’a sun? It feels more like survival training than agriculture. Trust me, I’m in Ithanga Ward, where the weather is as dry as my attempts to grow melons on this rocky, sandy, porous ground.  Now, picture this: You used to work a nice office job. You had your desk, your swivel chair, maybe even an AC to keep things cool. Then, one day, you decide to embrace the farmer's life. “How hard can it be?” you think. Fast forward to Day 1—boom! Welcome to Shamba Boot Camp. The muscles you never knew you had are screaming at you, begging for mercy. Every part of your body aches like you've just fought a lion and lost. I even considered calling my boss from the office to apologize for ever thinking their job was tough. The only ema...

September 12th CBR

September 12th Esther 3-7 Haman lives? This guy, Haman the Agagite—part of the Amalekite tribe, the very ones Saul was supposed to wipe out. But noooo... Saul had to go rogue with his own plan. Instead of following God's will, he chose sacrifice over obedience. And now, thanks to that one slip-up, we've got Haman—a walking consequence. One man’s sin, and now the whole lot is paying for it. Classic ripple effect!   Haman’s hopes? Oh, he had plans. Haman wasn’t just on a revenge trip; he promised the king a juicy return on investment! Likely from the loot after wiping out the Jews. See, many of them took Daniel’s advice seriously and built thriving lives, even in exile. Haman thought, “Perfect! More money, less problems!” Kill off the Jews and get rich quick—that was his vibe.   Haman hangs? Ah yes, but the story doesn’t end with him counting his gold. Keep reading, and you’ll see. Haman had big plans for those gallows—and spoiler alert—it’s not just for someone else. ...

3 books, 3 things.

The books of Ezra, Esther, and Nehemiah share a few things in common. If we were to sum it up, we'd focus on three essentials: records, respect, and reverence. First off, RECORDS —they're everywhere in these books. Letters are flying left, right, and center! Some are from kings, others from local leaders, while others are from individuals. What stands out is that these records were meticulously kept (Ezra 6:1-3). They didn’t just store them in some dusty corner; these records had power. They got the work in Jerusalem started, stalled, and restarted (Ezra 4:23-24). They even secured funding! And let’s not forget that it was a well-kept record that got Mordecai that sweet promotion (Esther 6:1-3). So, before you hit delete on that email or chat, remember, records can make or break you—but maybe just keep the positive ones, yeah? Then there’s RESPECT —it’s like the secret sauce in these books. Leaders, elders, and kings are treated with a certain reverence, whether they deserved i...

I acquired two of them.

 Visited a neighbor today in the evening to see how they're doing and found they have rabbits and are willing to let go of them, so I got two. I don't even have a house for them to stay in yet, so my immediate neighbor will host them for me even as we try to get them pregnant. I googled about them and here are the details: New Zealand White rabbits are a popular breed for both commercial and domestic purposes due to their rapid growth, prolific breeding, and easy care. Here's a detailed overview of their birthing, breeding, and feeding patterns: 1. Breeding Patterns - Maturity: New Zealand White rabbits reach sexual maturity at about 5 to 8 months. Does (females) typically mature a bit earlier than bucks (males).    - Breeding:   - The breeding process involves placing the doe in the buck's cage, as does are territorial and may not respond well to a buck in their space. The breeding usually takes place quickly, within minutes.   - After a successful mating, the ...

September 10th CBR

 September 10th. Slight detour to Psalm 197 and 126. It's actually not a detour but a pause to connect well with the emotions and feelings of the Jews at this time as they returned to their homeland. Psalm 107 is a song of thanksgiving that reflects on God's deliverance, connected to the Israelites' return from exile. Psalm 126 is specifically about the joy and restoration that the Israelites felt when they were brought back from captivity ("When the LORD restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dreamed"). Good day ahead.

Hii mtapenda.

 Wrote this in 2023 April and realized I hadn't shared it widely, so here goes. The Book of Ezra: Project Management 101 . Ever heard of a project that had more drama than a local soap opera ? Well, let me take you back in time to the Book of Ezra, which is basically an ancient collection of “ letters to the editor ” – only this time, it’s to kings, prophets, and a whole lot of bureaucrats. Think of it as a historical lesson in how to manage a big project… or how to completely mess one up! First Letter: The Grand Kickoff Cyrus, the king of “Let’s Build This Thing!” sends out a letter. It’s a proclamation to all the constituents saying, "Watu wangu, let’s start this project and make sure it’s fully funded!" The excitement is real; the project is a go. Second Letter: The Haters Gonna Hate Enter Bishlam, Mithredath, Tabeel, and their crew – the OG trolls. They fire off a letter to Artaxerxes, the king, basically saying, "Wah! Hii kazi haifai! Stop this nonsense and scra...

When the firstborn dies.

Everything Changes When a Firstborn Dies. Today, I found myself reflecting on ancient Egypt—specifically, during the reign of the Pharaoh who didn’t know Joseph (Exodus 1:8). It was a time of great power, but also of great sorrow, especially when things took a tragic turn. Now, you might know the story, but let's revisit it a bit. Joseph, the shepherd boy and his father’s favorite, found himself in a bit of a pickle. His brothers, tired of his dreams and his fancy coat, sold him off to some merchants. These merchants then sold Joseph as a slave in Egypt. Fast forward a few years, and our boy Joseph had climbed the ranks in Egypt, from slave to leader. He was well-known, respected, and even had a family. Then, a severe drought struck, and Egypt, under Joseph’s brilliant management, became the region’s breadbasket. It’s said that the grain stores were so full that they stopped keeping records (Genesis 41:49). This abundance attracted people from all over, including Joseph’s own...

What's going on in your fellowship?

Beautiful Sunday, isn’t it? So, in our fellowship today, we were all set to dive into the book of Ephesians. But guess what? We took a little detour, backtracking to Acts 19 to discover the roots of this remarkable fellowship. It’s like rewinding a great movie to catch the first epic scene again. As Apollo sailed off to Corinth, Paul went inland to Ephesus, and that’s where the story kicks off. He strolls into the city, only to stumble upon a synagogue—a gathering of at least ten men in progress. These were believers, mind you, but there was a slight hitch in their fellowship. They were just twelve in number, a tight-knit crew, but something was missing.  Paul, always the curious one, asks them the most intriguing question, and their response? It’s pure comedy gold. Here’s a snippet from Acts 19:1-5: “While Apollos was at Corinth, Paul took the road through the interior and arrived at Ephesus. There he found some disciples and asked them, ‘Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you b...

In that day...

 I can’t help but be moved by Zechariah—a prophet who didn’t shy away from the pressing issues of his day, yet also dared to look far into the future. Zechariah was what we might call a good preacher. He not only confronted the present problems with ten vivid visions but also painted a powerful picture of what’s to come. His words resonate deeply, especially as he repeats the phrase, “IN THAT DAY,” twenty times throughout his writings. This isn’t just repetition; it’s a declaration of certainty, a bold affirmation of what’s to come. We need to echo Zechariah’s message now more than ever: Jesus is coming back. Soon and very soon, the words we’ve prayed so often - “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done” (Matthew 6:10)—will take on a profound, new reality. Can you imagine? The King will return, His revolution will be realized, and His rule established. But here’s the question that should stir your heart and make you pause: On that day, which side of the Kingdom will you be on? This isn’t...

Now go on and smile, you’ve got this!

What's Essential for Every Believer? Let Me Break It Down: Hold, Hear, and Heed! What's This All About? Let’s start with HOLDING—it’s all about your hands, folks. This is where the written Word of God comes into play. Don’t let that Bible slip out of your grip! Read it, re-read it, then study it like you’re prepping for the final exam of life. Or better yet, let’s put it in biblical terms: delight in it, meditate on it, day and night (Psalm 1:2). Remember Joshua? When God gave him the reins to lead Israel, He dropped this gem: “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” (Joshua 1:8). Wow, just wow. God knew the power of the written Word and made sure Joshua knew it too. And guess what? Joshua was MORE than successful! Next up is HEARING—this one’s all about your heart. God is still speaking, people! The problem? We often have a hearing proble...