The choice is yours.

Revelation almost sounds like Re-val-etion, doesn’t it? Fitting, because this is one document I enjoy revisiting repeatedly—it unveils how our Lord will return and set everything right.  

Earlier, the disciples had asked Jesus about when these events would take place and how they would unfold. His response was clear: only the Father knows the exact timing of these things (Matthew 24:36). Jesus went on to say that neither He nor the angels knew the dates.  

However, it seems God later chose to reveal HOW things will happen, though not WHEN. This revelation flowed directly from the Father, through Jesus, through an angel, and finally to John (Revelation 1:1-2). There's a good chance that even other angels remain unaware of the full details—unless they can somehow read the vision John recorded.  

So, whenever I hear believers say, "The book of Revelation is too hard to understand," I immediately recognize the enemy's tactic: he wants to keep this hope hidden. Why? Because when believers understand Revelation, they see God’s ultimate plan for victory and restoration.  

One day will mark the beginning of something entirely new for humanity—a Day One that resets everything. The God who created the heavens and the earth, finishing His creation with mankind (Genesis 1), is now restoring what was corrupted by Lucifer. And He’s doing it in reverse order: starting with hearts. He’s making new men and women through the transformation of their hearts and the renewal of their minds (Romans 12:2). For those who are born again, that’s just the beginning. One day, He will make “a new heaven and a new earth” (Revelation 21:1), where only those transformed by His grace will dwell.  

As for the rest? They will be confined to hell and eventually the lake of fire, a place originally prepared for Lucifer and his rebellious angels (Matthew 25:41). But if someone lives and behaves like the enemy, where else would they belong?  

The choice is yours. You can be born again and be transformed to dwell with the Lord in eternity, or you can remain as you are—untransformed—and watch the events of Revelation unfold, only to face eternal regret.  

So, go ahead—read the book of Revelation. It’s both the end and the beginning. The ultimate story of restoration.


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