Sex is soooooooo... What do you think?

Sex is soooooooo underrated. It's literally the only life giving system on earth! I am here to literally stir the pot a little and get the juices flowing.

There’s something I observed this holiday that’s both fascinating and concerning about how we approach parenting, especially with teenagers.  

Guardians are surprisingly free—almost poetic—when it comes to discussing the mating of animals in front of their kids. You’ll hear statements like, "Huyu kuku anahitaji jogoo," or "Tafutia huyu sungura wa kike ndume kwa kina Maina," or even the infamous "Peleka hii ng’ombe kwa Mburu hii wiki apandwe."😂🤣 Apandwe kwani ni mmea?

The ease, the confidence, the flow of those statements—honestly, it’s impressive. 😎 Yet, when it’s time to talk to these same kids about sex, love, and the changes in their own bodies, suddenly the words disappear faster than the last slice of ugali at dinner or ngumu pale breakfast time. Instead, we shy off, leaving strangers and the internet to step in as “mentors.”🤦🏽‍♂

Surely, wazazi, hii haiwezi kuwa sawa!

Now, let me share a little secret about how I engage young ones on this topic. It’s not rocket science. I was bad in sciences BTW. I just dive straight in and deal with the reactions later. For example, I’ll casually drop, "So, what’s the name of your boyfriend/girlfriend?" Cue either shocked silence and a quick "Passie, Mimi sina," or the bold, "Anaitwa..." 😀

If I’m talking to a girl, I might follow up with, "Oh, so huyo ndio atakuwa husband wako na baba wa watoto wako in the future?" (That one always sparks an interesting reaction). And before you know it, we’re having a deep conversation about relationships, desires, and life choices—with a particular focus on one key area... Sex.😉💋🫦(those are the emojis for sex on WhatsApp apparently).

Look, we all know that at some point, they’ll develop feelings and desires for the opposite gender, and you want to be born through them at some point, 😂 uitwe Cucu or Guka. So, sex will be a big part for your success in being named Grandpa or Grandma. Pretending otherwise won’t help. Let’s guide them to get it right the first time. Start the conversation, however awkward it feels. Because if we don’t, someone else will—and they might not have the wisdom or intentions we’d want for our kids.  

Alright, over to you. Try it today. Go in with "sex is soooooo good. What do you think?" The ball is in your court. Let’s do this for our future guardians.🥂


  1. Kaka, you've just reminded me of that program we used to implement called FMP I.e. Families Matter Program. The target was parents/guardians of 9-12 yr olds and the main objectives were Parent-Child Communication, Parent-Relationship, and Child Supervision! One of the Key messages was "You MUST have a MESSAGE too!" Otherwise everything and everyone else will have a message which may not be the right message! It remains to date my favorite program/Project!


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