
The vacuum created when a strong leader departs can threaten the very foundation of a movement, organization, or institution. For example, many flocked to hear Paul’s powerful teaching. Educated, articulate, motivated, and filled with the Holy Spirit, Paul faithfully proclaimed the Good News across the Roman Empire. His ministry transformed lives, started churches, and left an indelible mark on history. Yet Paul understood that the church must stand on Christ, not on any one individual. For this reason, he made it his mission to train and equip young leaders who could shepherd the churches long after he was gone. ^JK

One such leader was Titus, a Greek believer who became one of Paul’s most trusted companions and closest friends. Under Paul’s mentorship, Titus grew into a capable leader, deeply rooted in faith and equipped to guide others. The letter to Titus represents not only a step in Paul’s discipleship process but also an essential guide on how to organize and lead churches effectively. Paul sets the tone early by writing; "The reason I left you in Crete was that you might put in order what was left unfinished and appoint/ordain elders in every town, as I directed/ordained you." He will also touch on how the other groups (men, women, young men, servants) should conduct themselves, but elders were his main target at first.

This statement reveals an important truth. While Christ is the one who appoints Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers (Ephesians 4:11), it is the responsibility of men to ordain elders to guide local congregations. But how are such leaders chosen? What qualities and qualifications should they have?

This is why you're reading the book of Titus. As you journey through this letter, let it inspire you to keep searching the Scriptures and uncovering God’s truth. May it challenge you to deepen your understanding of what it means to lead, serve, and grow in Christ’s body. Together, let’s learn from this practical guide and grow as disciples of the One who calls us all to follow Him.


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