Polygamy, monogamy and the real Grammy.

 I saw a friend post this question on their socials.

"Si the Bible supports polygamy? AKA Jacob wa bible, AKA Abraham, Sarah, Hagar. Am I wrong?"

My response:

"You’re not wrong in noticing that polygamy is mentioned in the Bible. However, the conclusion that God supports it misses the mark. Let me break this down:  

1. The Bible Records, but Doesn't Always Endorse.

The Bible is an honest book. It tells us stories as they happened, without sugarcoating human flaws. When we read about Abraham, David, or Solomon having multiple wives, the Bible isn’t ENDORSING their choices—it’s recording their realities. For instance, when David took multiple wives, the consequences were evident: family strife, rebellion, and pain (2 Samuel 13). Similarly, Solomon’s many wives led him astray into idolatry (1 Kings 11:1-4).  

2. God's Original Design.

To understand what God supports, we must look at His DESIGN, not human DEVIATIONS. Genesis 2:24 sets the foundation for marriage: "A man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his WIFE, and they shall become one flesh." Notice it says “wife” (singular), not “wives.” Jesus affirmed this in Matthew 19:4-6, emphasizing God’s intent for a monogamous, lifelong union.  

3. Cultural Context vs. Divine Standards.

In the cultural context of the patriarchs, polygamy was common and often tied to survival, inheritance, or alliances. But just because it was ALLOWED or TOLERATED doesn’t mean it was God’s ideal. Similarly, slavery was also practiced in those times, but we know from Scripture that God desires freedom and justice for all people (Galatians 3:28).  

4. God’s Grace Despite Human Choices.

God worked through imperfect people—polygamists, liars, and murderers alike—to fulfill His plans. Abraham’s polygamous relationship with Hagar brought conflict (Genesis 16), yet God’s covenant promise still stood. This shows His grace, not His endorsement of their actions.  

5. The Gospel Restores God’s Plan.

The New Testament reaffirms God’s design for marriage as a reflection of Christ and the Church—a single, faithful union (Ephesians 5:31-32). Elders in the church, for example, are explicitly instructed to be the husband of one wife (1 Timothy 3:2).  

Just because something is described in the Bible doesn’t mean it’s prescribed by God. Think of it this way: the Bible records theft, murder, and idolatry—does that mean God supports those? Of course not. Similarly, polygamy is described, but God’s original plan and ideal for marriage remain clear: one man, one woman, united in love and faithfulness. You sell at your shop all genres of movies. Do you love all genres?


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