This Year in Review: Tales, Trials, and Triumphs.

Now that I was born on December 18th, my year starts on December 21st. Just like Jesus, it took me 3 days to load πŸ˜€. This year was good. I must say, very good. As the sages say, "A day above ground is a good day." Well, I’ve been above ground the whole year! That's 365 days of unbothered breathing—achievement unlocked.  

On Bible Reading:

This year, more than 60 people signed up to read the Bible. Out of those, 22 said, "Let’s do this seriously," and guess what? We did! We cracked open the Word, answered questions, and wrestled through some tough books. Genesis? Check. Revelation? We're there. If reading the Bible were a marathon, we’d be dripping in medals right now.πŸ’ͺ🏽

On Fellowship:

A fellowship started this year, and guess who got asked to lead it? Yours truly! No pressure, right? In that fellowship, we powered through 11 books of the Bible. Some people walked in looking like Moses after the burning bush moment—confused but curious. By the end, the Word is transforming them. Now they’re starting to glow like Moses too.  

On Maaayo:

This year, we finally got clarity on Mum’s condition. There was praying, paying, and purchasing of meds. She's been doing drugs this year - still at it. In all this we were scared, closed bank accounts faster than I’d like to admit, but hey, friends and family kept us going, hope is alive, and so is Mum. What more can I say? God is good, and we’re keeping it moving.  

On Friends:

Wueh! This year, I’ve seen friends lose jobs and move to shanties but still keep their mental sanity. Hats off to you, warriors of life—you deserve a national anthem! On the flip side, some friends got promotions, new jobs, and new dreams. Y’all are stepping out and showing up, and I’m here clapping like Stanley(he claps loudly) in the background.  

On Mission Work:

Here we never stop. This year however, I did slow down a bit following Mum's treatments. With our eyes set on the north, we settled into a new mission station this year. How was it? Tough. Change isn’t cheap—it costs time, money, and your last nerve. But God sent helpers along the way, and together we’ve managed to serve and minister in this new environment. Slowly but surely, we’re making it work. The fellowship and school ministry have me busy 5 days of the week. I've been sleeping by 7pm most days because exhaustion is real. I did travel for a few speaking engagements though.

On Relationships:

I’ll admit it: I failed some friendships this year. Some connections broke, and I’m to blame. But with God’s help, I’m fixing things. After all, the Bible says to live peaceably with all men—not just the easy ones and in this case, I'm the not easy one.🧐

On Fruitful Labor:

Seeing the people I handed over to in Ruiru and Samburu thrive and outdo me this year, pure joy. Watching God use different people in different ways for different seasons is humbling. I’m just over here like, “God, you really know what you’re doing.”  Keep going friends.

On Life-Changing Calls:

This year brought some of the best phone calls. From “Map, nimeamua kuokoka, sasa nifanye nini?” to “Now I know what God wants me to do with my life.” My favorite? A cousin asking, “Help me become a better minister and pastor.” Guys, I crode. I crode in my heart sinanga machozi ya macho sana. But if I yawn 15 times, I'll cry through my eyes. These calls are treasures I’ll cherish forever.☺️

On Ministry Commitments:

One of my good friends, a former devil’s advocate, committed to a year of ministry. This girl flipped the script on her life so hard, even Satan himself must’ve been shook. Now, she’s one of my fondest reminders that God changes hearts, even the ones we thought were unsalvageable. Then there's a brother who committed to the faith and has never read any book of the Bible. He has a million questions every time we read through one. This journey is fuuuuuun!

On Deliverance:

This year, I’ve watched God deliver a friend from addiction. Watching their journey of freedom unfold has been nothing short of miraculous. Every step forward reminds me of God’s relentless love and power to transform lives. It’s been one of the highlights of the year for sure. Simple heartfelt short prayers are powerful.

On Growth:

This year, I learned to say “I’m sorry” faster. I also learned how to disciple the Judases in my life—friends who aren’t believers yet but are walking the journey with me. And let’s not forget giving. I gave out more time, money, and clothes than ever. I’m not quite walking around naked yet, but close.🫣

On Study:

I studied the Bible like a Jew(a friend advised me to try this approach) this year, started revisiting the Quran, and can’t wait to dive deeper into it next year. Why? Because understanding is a bridge, and I’m trying to build as many as I can. Muslims will see the light and have to decide whether to close their eyes or walk towards it and be saved.

In Conclusion:

I even became a better writer. Ah! It’s been a good year. Scratch that—it’s been a Michelin year! (Catch that pun? πŸ˜‚). Here’s to more adventures, growth, and God’s goodness in the year to come.

How has your year been? Birthday year or just 2024.


  1. Great, amazing, love to read you yearful journey. May God keep blessing you and the ministry you do, amen amen, and happy happy belated birthday pasi πŸ•ΊπŸΎπŸ™πŸΎ

  2. Also happy we reconnected. This is growth but best part is being able to go through the word.


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