
Showing posts from January, 2025

Have you started?

Reading the Bible can be a daunting task,   Why would the believers dare to ask? A poem. ... Genesis and Exodus sound like fun,   Leviticus and Numbers leave me undone.   Deuteronomy seems like something from the past,   Comes nowhere near reigniting this quest.   To go on rhyming I am able,   But have you started reading your Bible?   .... Joshua and Judges bring the action back to life,   Ruth highlights a woman who saw the light.   1&2 Samuel make me think twice,   Oh, how the Kings weren’t always wise.   To go on rhyming I am able,   But have you started reading your Bible?   ..... 1&2 Kings tell of thrones rising and falling,   1&2 Chronicles keep the records enthralling.   Ezra and Nehemiah rebuild with great might,   While Esther stands firm for what is right.   To go on rhyming I am able,  ...

Prayer: A Conversation, Not Just a Petition

Earlier this week, my friend Muthoni Kangara wrote and said that we need to grow to the point where prayer is conversational rather than just petitional. As much as I agreed with her in part, I struggled to fully concur on the idea that this is a growth area. No, I believe that should be the starting point—the normal, not the goal. But the conversation went on and iron sharpened iron. Think about it. When you got born again, how did it happen? It wasn’t through a formalized petition; it was a conversation. God spoke to you, convicted you of sin, and convinced you of the need for righteousness. And what did you do? You responded. You confessed your sins and committed to a life of repentance. It was a back-and-forth—a conversation.   So how did we move from conversing with God to just listing requests? Somewhere along the way, we either lost our relationship with Him or were conditioned by religion to think of prayer as a formalized ritual. Either way, the result is the same: in...

Spirit, Soul, and Stomach

We all want those days where everything just flows—like that feeling when you wake up to a sunny morning, the birds are chirping, and you’re on the way to get your favorite breakfast. But how do you make sure those good days happen more often? It’s all about the balance, my down to earth friend . Specifically, Spirit, Soul, and Stomach—the three S’s for a good day. Let’s break it down, and take some notes from our Bible buddies. 1. Spirit: Aligning with God First. The Spirit is like the GPS of your life. If it’s set to the wrong destination, everything else is going to get a bit… off. I mean, imagine following a GPS that takes you to a random farm in the middle of nowhere when you were just trying to go to the supermarket. Not fun. Who did it well? Let’s talk about Daniel. This guy knew how to keep his spirit in check. No matter what, he was all about that connection with God. He prayed three times a day (I mean, not all of us have that kind of dedication, right?). Daniel wasn’t about...

Discipleship can't wait

This year, I’m rereading Genesis and Revelation more keenly, and let me tell you Njoroge —those two books are the its! Today, I had a light bulb moment: could it be that the words “ Behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me… ” (Revelation 22:12) are part of why discipleship was quietly shelved while evangelism took the spotlight in Church and approach to outreach? Let me explain. Maybe, just maybe, people assumed “ quickly ” meant, “Give it a year, max a decade.” It’s almost like they forgot Jesus’ words in Matthew 24 when the disciples asked Him, “ Tell us, when will these things happen? And what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the world? ” Jesus didn’t just throw dates around; He gave a list of signs to look out for and followed it up with two parables: the parable of the ten virgins and the parable of the talents (Matthew 25). Now, here’s where it gets interesting. In both parables, there’s this small but crucial detail: the groom TARRIED in the first, and ...

Inheritance wasters

Having lived in a village setup for almost two years now, I’ve had the rare privilege of not just hearing but also seeing  inheritance stories—some that end in peace and others that would make you cry.   But nothing beats the story in scripture about a certain guardian who toiled for years to secure his two children, only for the plot to take a " Wacha tu " turn. The younger son boldly demanded his share, squandered it on what we’d now call “soft life gone wrong,” and returned home looking like he’d lost a wrestling match with life. Meanwhile, the elder son lived in his father’s house but with the attitude of a squatter—completely unaware that the remaining property was his (Luke 15:11-32).   Now, who’s to blame here? The guardians? Did they hand over the inheritance too soon? Or maybe they failed to clarify to the elder son that “ Boss, everything here is yours! ”? Or perhaps the problem lies with the children. One was a waster, the other a grumbler. Maybe they...

The choice is yours.

Revelation almost sounds like Re-val-etion, doesn’t it? Fitting, because this is one document I enjoy revisiting repeatedly—it unveils how our Lord will return and set everything right.   Earlier, the disciples had asked Jesus about when these events would take place and how they would unfold. His response was clear: only the Father knows the exact timing of these things (Matthew 24:36). Jesus went on to say that neither He nor the angels knew the dates.   However, it seems God later chose to reveal HOW things will happen, though not WHEN. This revelation flowed directly from the Father, through Jesus, through an angel, and finally to John (Revelation 1:1-2). There's a good chance that even other angels remain unaware of the full details—unless they can somehow read the vision John recorded.   So, whenever I hear believers say, "The book of Revelation is too hard to understand," I immediately recognize the enemy's tactic: he wants to keep this hope hidden. ...

Wacheni Kujiita Wazee Wasee!

Going through the Bible again this year has been quite the ride, and I’m loving the responses we’re getting as individuals engage in this exercise. Yesterday, we tackled the book of Leviticus, and what stood out for many was how serious God is about sin. Throughout the book, sin is often referred to as uncleanliness —and trust me, God isn’t joking about it. He is Holy, He calls us to be Holy, and He means business.   But for me, what has really stood out so far is Moses' story—not just how  it began, but when . The guy officially got into ministry(working with God) at the prime young age of... 80 years! Yes, you heard me right—80! If that were today, some of us would be telling him, " Moses, you should be winding down, not starting up! " But God had other plans. He called and commissioned an 80-year-old youth  into active duty.   Looking at Moses' life, it’s clear that the guy was fit—hata kama walikuwa hawana gym za siku hizi. I mean, walking around the d...

What just happened!?

Say no more and get naked woman!😂   A friend is reading through the Bible and Genesis 30 caused her to wueeeeeeh herself to my inbox asking huku kunaenda aje? Have ever you read that chapter? Genesis 30 could easily pass for a prime-time drama series!   One of the things I love about the Bible is how it doesn’t do PR. No sugarcoating, no airbrushing—if it happened, it’s recorded, raw and real.   Now, about these wives... Wueh! The drama is on another level! Rachel and Leah turned their sisterly rivalry into a full-blown reality show, outsourcing their baby race to their house helps. And Jacob? Well, being a man and not always making the wisest choices, he just went along with it. When Rachel pulled the "I have hired you with mandrakes" card, you can almost hear Jacob responding, "Say no more and get naked woman!" 😂   But here’s the thing—God never endorsed these side arrangements. He tolerated them, but His original plan has always been one man,...

Teens Church: Then and Now

– Why We Need It More Than Ever Back in the '90s, the term Teens Church was practically unheard of—at least in my circles. In the fellowship I attended, Thika Christian Centre (TCC), now known as Christian Church International Thika (CCIT), our structure was pretty straightforward. We had:   1. Sunday School – for the little ones.   2. Junior Youth – which, in hindsight, was basically a teenage class.   3. Youth Ministry – where the older ones took on more responsibilities in church.   Teenagers were grouped under Junior Youth, where we attended structured classes similar to Sunday school. However, the challenge came when we went off to boarding school—we missed a lot. Meanwhile, the older Youth were actively involved in ministry through special services where they would lead worship, usher, and do presentations.   It was a system that worked, and to this day, there’s fruit to show for it. Youth Kesha : The Big Hit That Missed the Teens....

Who Is a Son?

A son is... A promise, a project and a producer. In the story of Isaac, we uncover powerful truths about what it means to be a son. From Abraham's journey of faith, we see that a son is: 1. A Promise of the Father 2. A Project of the father 3. A Producer of the future Let’s dive into each aspect and draw insights that apply to our lives today. 1. A Son Is a Promise of the Father. Isaac wasn’t just another child; he was a child of promise —a fulfillment of God’s word to Abraham and Sarah. God had spoken, and though the wait was long, the promise was sure. Promise Made : “I will surely give you a son by her... kings of peoples will come from her.” (Genesis 17:15-16)   Promise Delivered : “Now the Lord was gracious to Sarah as he had said, and the Lord did for Sarah what he had promised.” (Genesis 21:1-2) No matter how impossible it seems, a true son carries within him the fulfillment of a greater promise—one that impacts generations. 2. A Son Is a Project of the Father. Isaac wa...

Don’t Lose the Flock: The Secret to Sustainable Ministry.

This year, our fellowship is running with the powerful theme: " Raising Ministers, Not Members. " It’s inspired by Ephesians 4, where Paul calls leaders to equip the saints for ministry—not just to fill pews or attend services, but to be active, ready, and empowered.  Here in Mukundi village, Murang’a County, we use Swahili more and so the theme is: "Kukuza Watumishi, Sio Washirika Tu." Last Sunday, as we dug deeper into this theme, someone asked, "But why is this so critical?" The answer? Because shepherds have limits.   Let’s be real: a pastor to a congregation is like a shepherd to a flock. And let’s not romanticize it—a shepherd CANNOT  handle an endless number of sheep without things falling apart. Ever seen a shepherd trying to manage 200 goats? It’s chaos. Every day, a few disappear, and the shepherd just shrugs with vague explanations like:   - "Mimi sielewi mkubwa. Hakuna mbuzi nimeuza." - "Jana niliona wakikimbia lakini sikuona kit...

Sex is soooooooo... What do you think?

Sex is soooooooo underrated. It's literally the only life giving system on earth! I am here to literally stir the pot a little and get the juices flowing. There’s something I observed this holiday that’s both fascinating and concerning about how we approach parenting, especially with teenagers.   Guardians are surprisingly free—almost poetic—when it comes to discussing the mating of animals in front of their kids. You’ll hear statements like, "Huyu kuku anahitaji jogoo," or "Tafutia huyu sungura wa kike ndume kwa kina Maina," or even the infamous "Peleka hii ng’ombe kwa Mburu hii wiki apandwe."😂🤣 Apandwe kwani ni mmea? The ease, the confidence, the flow of those statements—honestly, it’s impressive. 😎 Yet, when it’s time to talk to these same kids about sex, love, and the changes in their own bodies, suddenly the words disappear faster than the last slice of ugali at dinner or ngumu pale breakfast time. Instead, we shy off, leaving strangers and the...

Jesus' Actual Birthdate

 Over the holidays, I got an opportunity to hangout with one of our teens. He directed me to read Jeremiah 10 where the Israelites were been warned against practicing some customs found among the Gentiles. One of the customs mentioned is a mirror image of the customs around Christmas. His question, " Is Christmas a Christian event and is it truly the birthdate of Jesus? " My response was long and detailed and later I sat down to write it down and clarify my sayings. I share this with us in the event that we'll find ourselves in such a conversation in the future. Let's be ready to defend what we believe and correct me where I might be off. Is December 25th Jesus' Actual Birthdate? Short answer: No. Historically and biblically, December 25th is unlikely to be the date Jesus was born. It was chosen for various reasons, including replacing pagan festivals like Saturnalia in the Roman Empire. But does the Bible give us clues about His actual birthdate? Yes!   Let’s bre...