The scriptures point to Him, not me.
I firmly believe that the scriptures WERE NOT written just for us to tap blessings from it, but rather to reveal God’s character, teach us how to relate with Him, and give us the history of The Church.
As we journey through its pages, one thing becomes undeniable—every story, law, prophecy, and psalm whispers the name of Jesus. The entire narrative points to Him, often through hints and glimpses, sometimes in shadows and symbols, and other times in direct prophecies.
Jesus Himself confronted religious leaders of His time with this truth:
"You search the Scriptures because you think they give you eternal life. But the Scriptures point to me!" (John 5:39, NLT).
Yet, how tragic it is that today, this divinely inspired masterpiece has often been reduced to a self-help manual —a quick fix for "what can God do for me?" Instead of seeking the heart of the Father, we sometimes treat Him as an errand boy, sent out to fulfill our personal requests. But the Bible was never about what we can get from God—it is about who He is and how He has given Himself to us through Christ.
The Old Testament Whispers His Name...
From Genesis to Malachi, the footsteps of the Messiah echo in every corner:
- The Seed of the Woman (Genesis 3:15) – Right after the fall, God promises a Savior who will crush the serpent’s head. That’s Jesus!
- The Ark of Noah (Genesis 7) – Just as Noah's ark saved those inside from judgment, Jesus is our Ark, rescuing us from the wrath to come.
- The Sacrifice of Isaac (Genesis 22) – Abraham’s near-sacrifice of Isaac foreshadows God offering His only Son as the ultimate sacrifice.
- The Passover Lamb (Exodus 12) – The blood of the lamb protected Israel from death, just as Jesus, the Lamb of God, covers us with His blood.
- The Rock in the Wilderness (Exodus 17:6) – Moses struck the rock, and water flowed out. Jesus, our Rock, was struck for us, bringing us living water.
- The Bronze Serpent (Numbers 21:9) – Those who looked at the serpent on the pole were healed. Jesus was lifted up on the cross, so all who look to Him may live.
- The Suffering Servant (Isaiah 53) – This vivid prophecy describes Jesus’ suffering, death, and resurrection hundreds of years before He came.
- The Righteous Branch (Jeremiah 23:5-6) – A King from David’s line who will reign in righteousness. That’s our Messiah!
And these are just a handful of the countless ways the Old Testament unveils Jesus. Feel free to comment with other ways you've seen Jesus through the scriptures(Old Testament).
So, let us continue reading not just to RECEIVE, but to BEHOLD —to see Christ in every chapter, to know God’s heart, and to stand in awe of His grand redemptive story. For the Bible is not just a book of blessings—it is a book about the Blessed One.
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