What Born-again means.

I find myself constantly, or at least occasionally, thinking about how so many who claim to be "Christians" are not Christlike—and what’s worse, they’re not even trying to be. It’s heartbreaking how many people faithfully walk into denominational compounds every week but have never walked into the Kingdom of God. Simply put: they are not born-again. You see, unless a child is born , they will never meet their Father . A child, while in the womb, is entirely dependent on the mother. They draw all their life from her, and as long as they remain unborn, their world is confined to her and will eventually lead to their death. But the moment they are born, they enter a new reality—one where they can now see, hear, and know their father. They start living. It’s the same with spiritual matters . Unless you are born again, your dependence remains on mother earth —on natural things, on human strength, on what you can see and touch physically. But when you are born of the Spirit,...