Not true about me, but true about her

100 Truths About me......

1. Last beverage = classify milk...

2. Last phone call =safaricom customer care...

3. Last text message= pliz call me... to dad ...hahaha

4. Last song you listened to =jessie j... like a boy..

5. Last time you cried =leo... curse those onions


6. Dated someone twice = neva!!!!! kosa ni kukosa mara mbili....

7. Been cheated on = i hop not.... but hawa wanaume wa kileo..

9. Lost someone special = define lost....haha

10. Been depressed= dah!!! am human!!

11. Been drunk and threw up = get 1 thing ryt.... I DONT DRINK, NEVA HAVE, N NEVA WIL...



13 Brown


15. Made a new friend =how else do we mek friends?..... nkt!

16. Fallen out of love = YES!

17. Laughed until you cried = waaaa... thats a long tym ago..... wea did such days go?

18. Met someone who changed you = Have I eva changed??

19. Found out who your true friends were =still in the proccess.... so far najua kadhaa...

20. Found out someone was talking about you = hizi ni vitu tulizoea

22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life =on a scale of 1-10......7

23. How many kids do you want to have =mtajua wen the tym comes....

24. Do you have any pets = 2 cats, n 2dogs.... but i wuldnt col the dogs pets....

25. Do you want to change your name =i love my names..... n ma peroz werent damn...

26. What did you do for your last birthday = swam the whole freakin nyt....

27. What time did you wake up today =mapema sana...... 8;00.. hehe

28. What were you doing at midnight last night =sleepin.... wat did u xpect?

29. Name something you CANNOT wait for =to walk into myvery own castle royale...

30. Last time you saw your Mother = i am lukin at her as we speak.....

31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? = naipenda vivyo hivyo...

32. What are you listening to right now =t.v iko on.... does that count?

33. Have you ever talked to a whore = What does this have to do with facebook?? I was in highschool. . .

34. What's/ who getting on your nerves right now = the pending questions.... n this boy on chat hu cant get it that staki kuchart na yeye......nqt

35. Most visited webpage = you-tube...

36. Whats your real name =solace velesi wa karanja.....

37. Nickname=shoshy.. tole.. so.. squeekie.. baby...

38. Relationship Status = najipenda... i dont share things i love..

39. Zodiac sign= hizi ni nini? watu wa march wanafall wapi?

40. Male or female? = i am a gal.... gues that meks me male huh?

41. Elementary =sasa huko ni wapi..... mimi nilienda primary skul... kwanza tatu... mikindani, amani, na m.m.shah

42. Middle School= I went to Secondary school....nkt! nakuru hi...

43.High School/College =home skulin....

44. Hair colour =Black...... dah!!! KUNA AFRICAN BLONDES?

45. Long or short = both

46. Height=5'2

47. Do you have a crush on someone? =am only human......

48: What do you like about yourself? =Everything!!!

49. Piercings =3.... na moja God-given

50. Tattoos= none... but am thinkin of 1... thinkin, js thinkin!

51. Righty or lefty = Righty... na saa zingina lefty..


52. First surgery =ya kukata umblical cord

53. First piercing = yenye Mungu alinipea... hapo ju kwa maskio

54. First best friend = mboch.. ama ni hile dolly kipara..??? siko sure..

55. First sport you joined = katii na uki..

56. First vacation = do we have those?? kuenda shagz inaitwa?

58. First pair of trainers = Wat r trainers??

59. Eating = food.. watu hukula?

60. Drinking = maji, juo, uji, maziwa.... anything alcohol n malt free..

61. I'm about to =giv up on this quiz...
62. Listening to =bado t.v iko on....

63. Waiting on = sielewi...


64. Want kids? =i said mtajua wen am thea....!hata mimi cjui!!!!

65. Get Married? = maybe. . .

66. Career= helmets n overalls.. cool!!


67. Lips or eyes =eyes (tho i dont kno how this applies..)

68. Hugs or kisses =hand shakes..

69. Shorter or taller = okay!!! now i get the jist... TALLER... staki Mwala kwangu!!

70. Older or Younger = older! def!!

71. Romantic or spontaneous = a lil of both

72. Nice stomach or nice arms = if this means biceps n a six pac, am in 4 both!!

73. Sensitive or loud = Loud! lakini he must be able to cry... hehe

74. Hook-up or relationship =neitha...

75. Troublemaker or hesitant?= it depends


76. Kissed a stranger = helll no!!

77. Drank hard liquor=I DONT DRINK!

78. Lost glasses/contacts =haha... YES!!

79. Sex on first date =wewe!!!!! kuna vitu hata cfikiriangi!!!! never eva!!!!

81. Had your own heart broken =not realy

82. Been arrested = mi ni gud gal...

83. Turned someone down =yes! repeatedly at tymz!!

84. Cried when someone died =was i to laugh?

85. Fallen for a friend? = kiasi.... eleweni hizi mambo..


86. Yourself =if i dont, hu wil?

87. Miracles =dah!!

88. Love at first sight =Love? Hell no. hiyo ni lust at 1st syt!!

89. Heaven =YES!!
90.Santa Claus= NO...mimi najua father xmas... na pia huyo haexist

91. Kiss on the first date =mayb th 3rd huko......

94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time =....i can explain...

95. Did you sing today? = thats lyk my h@ beat

96. Ever cheated on somebody?= jibu iko # 94...

97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?= is it even possible....?? i deal with certainities

98.If you could pick a day last year and relive it which would it be? = 12th june..... i saw the tail of death.. not the face... i was wishin to c how he/she luks lyk...

99. Are you afraid of falling in love?= totally!!!! i heard luv hurts....

100.POSTING THIS AS 100 TRUTHS=FINNALLY!!!!!!!! kwani u r doubtin?


  1. yaaaaaani Maplus. hizi ni nini aki??? my English then was cringeworthy!

    1. Leo ndio nimejua kuapprove comments. How old am I again?


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