Inspired to be W.O.M.A.N

It was not an easy thing to do – ignoring her. Her kindness was known all over. She gave and gave generously. She never was very excited if a day ended without giving a helping hand to someone who needed it.

She was known among the poor. She lived among them and got to know what they were lacking and what they needed. According to her, poor was not poverty, but Position Of Obtaining Relationships (P.O.O.R). She was a friend to them – a friend indeed.

She was known among the wealthy. Through her, they were able to connect with the low in the society and share their wealth with them.

She was a bridge. A different bridge though. This is because she wasn’t stuck to areas with rivers, hills and mountains only; she was also found in deserts and the plains. She was a not road connector. No! She connected people; husbands to their wives, children to parents and relatives to their loved ones. No one ever went to her and left un-attended. She was an agent of change.

She gave. Not just what she had, but also who she was. She gave time, a smile, a hug, sound advice and greatest of all, love. She had a shoulder for every Tom, Dick or Harry – or maybe, every Florence, Dorcas or Mary. She loved all and gave to all.

On this one occasion, December 18th, it happened to be my birthday. My friends were not well prepared for it, but they contributed Kenya Shillings ten each and we prepared dinner. She happened to be present and she dined with us. Everyone else had already given their gifts (Ksh 10) apart from her. Since she also hadn’t planned for it, she was stranded for a while, and then she requested me to stand and receive my gift from her. With her hands behind her back, she gave a short speech, and asked me to close my eyes. From behind the veil of my eyes, I felt her right next to me and I waited to be told to open my eyes. What was a few seconds, felt like eternity to me. Finally, she did it. Once again, she touched a life. She gave me a hug and said ‘I love you’. Tears could not be held back- I wept. I felt loved and knew I was loved. She changed my life. I will forever love.

She was nicknamed “Deer”. This was all because she traveled the world not to find help for herself, but for others. Not only was she Deer, but she was also dear to many.

She learnt that alone she can only do enough. But with other people helping her, she would do more than enough. She received in order to give, and gave with the hope of receiving. She meant the world to many and the world was her vision.

She was motherly and had an open heart for all to be part of her life. She was available whenever there was a need. Neat in her appearance - warm in her interactions. I once thought, if my mom were alive, I would want her to be just as Deer.

She is not here with us today. I can’t say she died. She rested. After all the work she did, she deserved a rest. To her it was needful. God allowed her to rest. It wasn’t easy for all who knew her. One thing however remains in my heart about her. She inspired many to be a W.O.M.A.N – Warm, Open, Motherly, Available and Neat.


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